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Finding the "Right Fit" Financial Help!

One-on-one financial planning may not be what you need right now - and that's totally ok!

Helping every member of the mental health community that’s looking for financial guidance is core to my mission.

If my services aren't the right match, this page outlines other ways I can help you! 

  1. Determine the right financial professional for your situation;
  2. Free Resources to educate and guide you;
  3. Financial Coaching Resources (both personal and practice focused); and
  4. Recommendations for other financial planners and investment management services.

You’ll find more information on each in the sections below. ⬇️

🔗  Also check out my Resources Page for an exhaustive list of outside resources I like!

Determining the Right Financial Professional for You 🤔

Finding financial help can be tricky because there are many different financial professionals offering different types of services. (And they all sound sorta similar). 

Here's a few pointers on deciding what type of one-on-on financial services might best help you:

  • If you're continually frustrated and confused by your own financial behavior, suspect you might self-sabotage or find your emotional response to money unmanageable, financial therapy is probably the best place for you to start;

  • If you feel lost and overwhelmed and wish someone could walk you through the right steps and hold you accountable, financial coaching might be a good fit; and

  • If you feel like things are reasonably stable, but there are things you're worried about or confused by, then financial planning might be the right fit for you.

Financial coaching and financial planning do have a lot of overlap. I, for example, am a financial planner, but I use a lot of tools from financial coaching.

In general, financial coaching engagements tend to be shorter-term with more frequent meetings. Financial planning engagements tend to be longer-term with less frequent meetings.

Click here for a blog post providing a more detailed explanation of these three different types of services. ✍️

Free Resources to Educate & Guide 📚

No matter how or where you work as a therapist, I have great resources to help support your financial journey.

You can find an exhaustive list of my free resources on this page: Retirement Plans, S-Corp, Investing and more! 🔗

PRACTICE Financial Coaching Resources 🏉

If you're looking for coaching to get the right financial processes and systems set up in your practice, the below coaches can help get you the right track. 

This is something I can also help you with, but of course it's about finding the right fit for you!

Money Nuts & Bolts. My friend Linzy has created an AMAZING coaching program to help you navigate your practice finances. 

Simple Profit: Bookkeeping Tax. If you don't have the budget to outsource bookkeeping and tax - or would just prefer to DIY it - Simple Profit is for you. Jennie (who is both a CPA and a therapist) has put together amazing tutorials in her online community. It's reasonably priced AND she also offers a free Facebook group JUST for clinicians.

Lisa Marie, the Sassy Wealth Coach, is amazing. She frequently works with therapists and has great tools to help you build strong financial habits and get to a place where you're ready to engage a financial planner. (She also helps with practice financial coaching.)

PERSONAL Financial Coaching Resources 🏉

If you're looking for support building better financial behaviors and habits in your personal life, I'd consider working with a financial coach or financial therapist.

The Financial Therapy Association Directory is a great resource.

The XY Planning Network directory also offers many qualified professionals that offer coaching. 

Lisa Marie, the Sassy Wealth Coach, is amazing. She frequently works with therapists and has great tools to help you build strong financial habits and get to a place where you're ready to engage a financial planner. (She also helps with practice financial coaching.)

Me, Myself & Money Coaching is another great option for coaching focused on the personal side of your financial life.

Other Financial Planners & Advisors 📈

I offer ongoing financial planning services where you commit to working with me for a minimum of 12 months.

If that isn't quite the right fit for you — or are confident a short-term or hourly engagement better fits your needs — I'd encourage you to check out advisors at XY Planning Network or the directory at the Fee Only Network.

🛋️ Two therapists-turned-financial planners I know are Ed Coambs and Jenn Steliga — I'd encourage you to consider both of them!

Investment Only Solutions

If you're simply looking for investment management services, I would consider Vanguard Digital Advisor or if you're looking for a higher-touch solution, Vanguard Personal Advisor Services. Another good automated investing solution to consider is Betterment. In my experience, all of these offer solid investment solutions at reasonable prices.